This is a job search assistant for individual users that can help you with resume evaluation and interview preparation. You can use it to assess how well your resume matches the target position, allowing you to make targeted adjustments before submitting your application. You can also launch mock interviews based on the target position and interview type, preparing you for the actual interview through practice.
Built With:
Tailwind CSS
Shadcn UI
This is a Chrome browser extension that allows you to export your conversation history from the web version of ChatGPT. It's a proof-of-concept product for my "Heatmap Generation" project. The original intention behind creating this extension was to visualize my AI chat usage over the past year. This plugin was developed in just 3 hours and is currently quite basic.
This blog is the product of this project, built with Next.js. I started learning Next.js by reading the documentation on January 26th, 2025, and it took me about two weeks to build the entire blog, including the integration with the CMS. I used some concepts that I had never encountered before: SSR, SSG, and ISR. I am currently turning it into a template, partly because I plan to open source it later, and partly to conduct technical research for the content site of the mycareerhelp project.
Built With:
Tailwind CSS
Shadcn UI
Admin PortalI've built a web service to manage all of my projects, which includes data statistics, content management (so I don't have to hardcode text in the front-end code anymore, and can do real-time dynamic hot updates), log dashboards, and status monitoring. It's still in its early stages, and I'm using existing open-source services for integration. If I have time later, I'll consider creating a custom UI dashboard.
Built With:
Plausible CE